Category Archives: Things I Like

A New Calendar

By | September 9, 2006

Some people have commented that they are disappointed that this year’s calendar from Messianic Jewish Publications has artwork instead of photos from me. Actually there are three calendars this year of which my pictures are a part, but come January we’ll be looking at a blank wall (well, there is possibly one exception). But I… Read More »

Life of Christ books

By | August 27, 2006

I have found a good deal on 6 classic books on the life of Christ, for about $2.50 a book. The catch? 1) They’re for the computer, in Logos/Libronix format. 2) They haven’t quite been published yet. But that’s the reason for this post. Logos will publish these 6 books in a collection if there… Read More »

Book Tag, The Right Way

By | August 25, 2006

Now I’ve read some of the others who have answered these questions, and frankly, either they are really smart or I’m just the opposite.   But without pretense, here are my honest answers, as best as I can determine with my imperfect memory. 1. One book that changed your life: The Student Map Manual. 2.… Read More »

That Book Tag, But The Other Way

By | August 18, 2006

There’s been a meme going around that has received a lot of attention for bloggers, at least ones that I read (like Moorhead).   That’s really no surprise, given that most of these bloggers are readers.   No one has tagged me (which is the way I like it), but I have decided to answer… Read More »

Learn Your OT Theology

By | August 16, 2006

All other Eugene Merrill fans out there will be excited to know that his OT theology is being released next month. I remember a couple of years ago when he was working on it in Jerusalem. He was working with just a Bible and a computer, as I recall. Not exactly like other works which… Read More »

Take a look

By | August 5, 2006

John Piper is back and has a report on his sabbatical.   I can’t imagine what it would be like to have 11 hours a day to work without interruption! (HT: BTW) The Valley of Vision CD is now for sale.   This is a collection of songs based on the book of Puritan prayers.… Read More »

While I Was Away

By | March 23, 2006

Yad HaShmonah was the subject of a 10-page article in the Orthodox magazine Yated Ne’eman. A summary is given in this week’s Caspari Media Review. Consider the source and don’t believe everything you read. David Powlison also has prostate cancer and takes the opportunity to add to Piper’s recent essay, “Don’t Waste Your Cancer.” Craig… Read More »

Hero of the Month: March 2006

By | March 12, 2006

Some months ago I had the idea to post a short note here about some people who have greatly impressed me. These are individuals that aren’t (and will never be) in the news, but are the types of people that I want my kids to grow up to be. Josh Watson has been teaching the… Read More »