Category Archives: Uncategorized

Trip to Gush Katif (Gaza Strip)

By | April 3, 2005

It seems that the Israeli government will not be stopped in its plan to uproot the Israeli communities in Gush Katif (a bloc of settlements in the Gaza Strip) and that this will happen in July of this year. It also seems that the Israeli military will stop allowing non-residents to enter the area after… Read More »

A Useful Device for the TV

By | March 31, 2005

We’re just back from a great week in Galilee (more on that later, hopefully), and in catching up on some things I see a neat device mentioned by Between Two Worlds. It’s the TV-B-Gone keychain and it can turn off virtually any television. It does this by emitting 209 different turn-off codes at the press… Read More »

The IBEX Name

By | March 19, 2005

Back when the idea of an Israel campus for The Master’s College was being dreamed up, we were tossing around different ideas for names. My offering was rejected: Middle Eastern Center of Christian Activity (MECCA). Instead, Greg Behle’s idea became the identity of our school: Israel Bible Extension (IBEX). Besides the fact that the two… Read More »

The Wilderness in March

By | March 14, 2005

A scheduling conflict prevented today’s planned excavations, so instead I headed for the wilderness, following the “Alon Road” from the Jerusalem-Jericho highway to the north. It ended with a failed attempt to climb Alexandrium – we simply didn’t have time to make it and be back home in time for a student’s appointment. I told… Read More »

Excavating the Pool of Siloam

By | March 13, 2005

Between this and my last post I went to Cyprus. This was my first trip and in the five days, I hope I saw it all and never need to return, unless it’s for a vacation on the beach. (Maybe more on that trip in a future blog.) Today we took our students to participate… Read More »

A Night and a Day in Jerusalem

By | February 27, 2005

Last night I went into the Old City with my Jerusalem Archaeology class. After checking into our hotel, we spent some time at the Western Wall, including an interesting conversation (maybe more on that later). This morning I went out to look around a bit before our trip started at 8. We spent most of… Read More »

Thoughts on David in the wilderness

By | February 21, 2005

This weekend I led a trip focused on the life of David. We camped at En Gedi and hiked around the area. I’ve led field trips on David about 7-8 times and in this particular area about half that many. For our Sunday hike (some of my pictures of the group here), we walked up… Read More »

Two Miles from My Home

By | February 17, 2005

This post is about something I had intended not to really talk about. In other words, an adventure that could be misunderstood if not fully explained. And since I don’t have the intention to explain it fully, I think it better not to speak of it. But I am going to mention a little of… Read More »