By | May 11, 2004

“Why do we have eyebrows?” is a great page for several reasons:
1) It reminds us of something we probably rarely think about.
2) It points out a number of useful functions that eyebrows have.
3) It shows the folly of evolutionary theory, as the writer tries to explain just how natural selection “chose” that men who had eyebrows survived whereas those who didn’t (or who had smaller eyebrows?) did not survive. Utter foolishness. This is a perfect example of having abundant evidence but nevertheless adopting a conclusion that doesn’t fit the evidence (but is based on faith – faith in evolutionary processes). Instead the evidence points to a wise Creator.

Visas still on hold

By | May 10, 2004
I went in today, for the 5th time, to see about our visas and was given another “it’s not ready yet” answer.  This time, however, they said they would call me so I could come in for an interview.  No word on when the call would come or the interview would be.


By | May 9, 2004

I’m near the end of a 9-day “break” between the spring semester and a summer program. It has gone too quickly. I’ve spent some of the time working on marking instructions for the new “Satellite Marking Manual,” the replacement for the long-popular “Student Map Manual.” I want to work on a BiblePlaces Newsletter, but time has just not allowed.

Today is “Lag b’Omer” and Katie turned 2 weeks old.

Yesterday Bethany asked me, “how doing?” :-)

Today Mark, when presenting a cake to Kelli, told her, “Happy day, Mommy.”


By | May 7, 2004

I spent 50 minutes setting this up. That includes figuring out how/where it goes on the server, getting the right settings at blogger.com, and setting up the rss feed. That’s longer than I expected, for something that is supposed to be quick and easy. With these things covered though, I expect posting to be easy.


By | May 7, 2004

I decided to start a blog. I haven’t yet decided exactly what of my varied interests will go here. Personal? Family? IBEX? Israel? Academic? Photographic? Time will tell.