Does It Sound Like the Beatles?

By | February 2, 2006

I’ve mentioned here before the “Hide the Word” CD series which features Scripture verses set to song in a professional way. But the announcement of the new release says this:

We’ve all gotten songs stuck in our heads. How much better if the lyrics are pure Scripture? Mark Altrogge‘s new CD, the sixth in his Hide the Word series, can help fill head and heart alike. Senior pastor of Lord of Life Church (Indiana, PA) and a prolific songwriter, Mark knows the value of memorizing and meditating on Scripture. Weight of Glory contains 20 Scripture passages set to music. Check it out at the Sovereign Grace Store.

To find out more about why Mark puts Scripture to music, how he writes songs, and why one song in particular sounds so much like the Beatles, read his interview at the ESV Bible blog.

Of course my attention and yours is drawn to the Beatles reference (even though I am too young for the Beatles and never have been drawn to them otherwise). But the writer of this blurb knows that interest will be increased, even to a Christian audience, by the mention of this secular rock band. Some will probably never read to the end of this post because they’ve clicked over.

It gets me to wondering why it is this way. Why is it that the caves at Bet Guvrin are nice until you learn that Sylvester Stallone filmed Rambo III there, and then that’s all everyone wants to talk about. Or that lone stick of wood on top of Tell Beth Shean where Judas Christ Superstar was filmed? And if I made up some story about Michael Jackson visiting Caesarea, suddenly my group would want to know exactly where he walked, and our study of Herod’s construction or the apostolic work would be interrupted. Why do we care? I think I know the answer in part, but the point that I want to make here is that when I’m at Beth Shean, I don’t mention the tree, and when I’m at Bet Guvrin, I’ve never heard of Rambo. Maybe I cheat my students by not teaching them popular culture, but I’m afraid I’ll cheat them of biblical history if I do. And we all know that usually popular culture wins. Not, if I can help it, in my class.

I’d add too that though I don’t have this latest CD, I do have the others and I highly recommend them. Whether they sound like the Beatles or not :-).

0 thoughts on “Does It Sound Like the Beatles?

  1. Jenn Swadell

    I just got this CD last week and really like it. I’ve not noticed the “Beatles sound,” but I’ll certainly listen to it differently next time!:) And a resounding “amen” to your comment about getting songs stuck in your head with words that are Scripture. These CDs have helped me recall Scripture references on various occasions, something I generally have a hard time doing. Thanks for the recommendation, Todd!

  2. Christopher

    actually I believe Radiohead played a concert at the Amphitheater in Ceasarea. An event, which I’m sad to say, has come the closest to getting me back in the holy land since 93. Never to fear though, Sarah and I want to come visit within the next year or two, Radiohead or not! =)

  3. Brian McClimans

    On the other hand, you might be cheating Randy’s “History of the Modern State of Israel” students. :) Pop culture references like that have a place in that class, if only to showcase Israel’s place in that realm.

  4. The IBEX Scribe

    Todd, I am several years younger than I am and have really liked the Beatles since I was first developing a taste for music other than Sunday School ditties, so you can’t use the age excuse! With as many of the PDI/Sovereign Grace CDs as I own, I don’t think I have any from this series yet. I’ll have to check it out!
    Honestly, I am rather glad that you did NOT mention what movies were filmed where, very possibly since I care very, very little about such things (like when Britney Spears was filming a music video right by TMC while I was a student there – big deal, I had a paper to write). Celebrities are human beings with nothing intrinsically greater about them than another other human being. Tell me where the prophets walked and you’ll get my attention. Tell me where Jesus walked and I’ll absorb the experience as much as I possibly can.

  5. The IBEX Scribe

    Duh, the first sentence of my post should read that I am several years younger than you are, rather than several years younger than I am. That would be impressive to be two ages at the same time…

  6. Sara S.

    When I was there, it wasn’t about where movie stars walked, it was about where Jesus had walked that got me excited about the Holy Land!!


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