
By | April 1, 2006

I found out today that the college has decided not to renew my contract. They were very complimentary about me in a number of ways. They said I was nice, genuinely compassionate, and nice. But they cited two defects: content and style. I confess that this isn’t entirely a surprise. They had told me some months ago about complaints from students who simply weren’t getting enough from the lectures. They’d leave the two-hour lectures with nary a note taken. I had been working on this – throwing out the occasional date or random factoid to try to give them something to write down. It’s just not enough, they said. It hurts, but I understand. The other problem, they mentioned without being real tactful about it, is that the students are (and I quote), “bored to tears.” It seems that there would be a nicer way of phrasing it. Like, not sufficiently intellectually stimulated. Or, craving more stirring and passionate discourses. The lectures just aren’t up to the high standard that characterizes the school. I just think it’s unfair to hold me to that standard. Being interesting is just a passing fad and I’m a victim of the latest trend.

After reading the letter, I cried for a minute and then the phone rang. It was a job offer from the local mini-market. Their security guard just quit and they have an immediate opening. I think this is really a perfect fit for me. Not only is the pay higher, but I get to talk gruffly to random people all day long and look inside their purses. I’m sure it will make for a more interesting blog!

0 thoughts on “Fired!

  1. A.D. Riddle

    Judging from the sunglasses and equipment on your belt…I think security guard may have been your calling all along. I’m glad to see you finally found your niche. Few things can be as frustrating and discouraging as working in job that you weren’t made for.


  2. poeticforjesus

    I agree your lectures and field trips were far from engaging and I fought back those tears many times. I hope you are more interesting and useful as a security guard.

  3. Brian

    April Fool’s. You are one of the most challenging profs at TMC.

  4. ilena

    I might have fallen for this one too, had I not just read your “Bible Places Blog.” Good April Fool’s jokes, though. If your didn’t think they’d fool anyone, well, at least you caught one “fool” off guard-me ;)

  5. Anonymous

    Todd, your lectures were so very far from boring! The only reason I didn’t take as many notes as I could have was because I was so caught up in what you were saying. You had me going there for a moment with the “decided not to renew my contract statement.” Don’t scare me like that! Of course, then I remembered what day it was. What other tricks did you pull? I did hear that Bill left someone behind when they left for the Galilee trip…but I don’t think that was really a joke. More like, “if you’re not there on time, the bus leaves…” right? Anyhow, I’m really happy for you that you get to spend your Galilee trip with your family AND your hero. How fun! Tell everyone I said hi.
    Rachel Israel

  6. salome

    It was not before the “mini-mart” that I realized it was April fool’s!
    You still make me laugh from a thousand miles away :)

  7. Todd Bolen

    Rachel – if anyone was left behind, I didn’t know about it. Which is just as well because if they would have come to me I would have told them to get acquainted with the public bus system!

    A massive storm hit last night. Very loud, from all reports. Tripped every circuit breaker on the moshav and fried my modem at home. I didn’t hear a thing.

  8. Beth'sMomToo

    OK, I admit it…you got me! I read the entire blog with my mouth hanging open. I kept waiting for the punch line and when it didn’t come I read the entire thing again, thinking I must have misunderstood what you were saying! Being the parent of one of your former students and getting to hear you at Master’s Bible Conference a few years ago…as well as reading just about everything you have ever recommended (…no matter how long it takes me!), I was just dumbfounded. What a sap I am. (but my son could have told me that…)

  9. The IBEX Scribe

    Firing the prof of the year from 2001-2002 because the students weren’t getting anything from your lectures? Uh-huh. Mini-mart security pays more than TMC? That part might be true…

  10. l.tulloch

    i wish someone had told me about the lectures not being “up to the high standard” bit before i sat in on your class all semester.

  11. Anonymous

    Wow you had me for about 15 seconds. It is one of my biggest regrets not taking one of your “boring” classes while at IBEX. It was imaturity in its greatest form being scared of a 10 page paper.

    Love your blog and check it regularly.

    Paul Standen

  12. Rhea

    personally, I was thinking, what is WRONG with these people from California??? :-)

  13. Jodi D.

    Ha ha. Judging by the amount of comments from this post, I think you might have students marching in protest in front of Rutherford Hall were that to happen. Luckily I was warned by Jenn Kintner who read it and almost dropped her jaw on the floor and rushed to my room–terrified that you weren’t going to be there during her year as volunteer. =) Well, no matter what the school says… keep up all the great work! I’d take quite a few more of your dull, boring, dry, un-insightful classes given the chance. =)


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