Bible Commentaries

By | September 27, 2006

When asked what the best Bible commentary set is, I recommend the 12-volume Expositor’s Bible Commentary. In one set, you get complete coverage of the Bible that is conservative and generally helpful. There are certainly better single-volume commentaries on individual biblical books, but you’ll spend a lot more on those (besides the research required to find the best ones).

The revised edition of the EBC has been gradually released over the last year or so and all volumes are scheduled to be available in about one month. CBD is now advertising it for sale for $120 (hardcover). When I saw the price, I thought it was a misprint. The list price is $450 and Amazon is selling it for $275. But as far as I can tell, CBD really is selling it for that price. I can’t tell if it will change in the near future or not, but I do recommend it, especially for $10/volume!

Maybe I should have told you about this after I found a buyer for my old set! :-)

UPDATE: See this post for an important correction.

0 thoughts on “Bible Commentaries

  1. Eric Zeller

    Bought it! Thanks for the tip. That is a really good deal. I sold my original EBC set to an unsuspecting seminary student two years ago when I heard the revised version was coming out. But I’ve been sad to be without them for that amount of time.

  2. Mike Jarvis


    Are you sure this is the new “revised” set? This looks like the original version re-covered.


  3. David Flinck

    Thanks for shedding some light on this incredible deal. I bought the set today. What a great addition to my weak library. May God’s blessing abound to your teaching and ministry as you continue to honor and obey Him. It was great to have met you while in Israel in May 2005. Missionary to Chile, South America

  4. Mike Jarvis


    This is the original version of the Expositor’s Bible Commentary set. The revised set will contain 13 volumes and I could only find four completed volumes on


  5. Paul Lamey

    Is it a revision or a rewrite? I’ve heard that some sections have all new authors so it may pay to own both (e.g. Grisanti is the new author for Deut.).

  6. Kate Joslin

    Thanks for the recommendation…I just bought it. I’ve been wanting to get a good commentary set but wasn’t sure what to get. I think this will be a good start. Shalom.

  7. Hannah Johnson

    Thanks Todd! I’ve wanted to get that set … I’ll put it on my Christmas wish list! I’ve been meaning to email you forever … I’ll have to do that soon…I want to update you on some things going on in my life in regards to missions. Thanks for faithfully blogging about your life and important (and not so important) issues!

  8. Pingback: Bible Commentaries: Correction » Todd’s Thoughts

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