November 16

By | November 16, 2009

Homosexual marriage: it only gets worse

Here’s the world’s luckiest train track inspector

All Piper audiobooks are $5 at for a short time.  A couple of Kelli’s closest friends here have never heard of John Piper.

I am off in the morning for five days in New Orleans at the Evangelical Theological Society conference as well as some time at the Bible and Archaeology Fest.  My family would appreciate your prayers while I am away.  I have prepared some posts for my absence.  Tune in tomorrow for “Twelve Things I Like About Texas.”

Todd and Kelli at a park in Plano, photo by Jack Pitney

This photo was taken earlier today.

5 thoughts on “November 16

  1. Tommy Bosworth

    Thanks for the tip on Christianaudio, Todd. They are giving away a free audiobook of Desiring God by Piper. Downloading right now…

  2. Al Sandalow

    One can only hope the views on homosexuality will change as people age. What’s the old addage “If at 20 you’re not a communist, you have no heart. If at 40 you’re still a communist, you have no brian.”

  3. Al Sandalow

    Eh…ah…that should be “brain”. Apologies to all the “brians” out there.

  4. stratkey

    Oops, disregard my comment on your most recent post. Nice pic of you two!


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