Study Day

By | June 15, 2010

Today was the best study day.  Of my life.  Well, I don’t know that for sure, but it probably was.  Here’s how you can do it:

First, you need a large quantity of ignorance.  If you know everything, you won’t learn very much. 

Second, you need an important subject.  Anything in the Bible will do, as long as you think that it’s crucial that you understand it.  My subject today was the book of Daniel.

Third, you need a large block of time.  If you ‘re going to try to have the best study day of your life, you need a day.

Fourth, you need to minimize distractions.  If you have four children in the house, you may need to ask your wife to help you (and close the door).  If you have internet or phone, you may need to unplug them.

Fifth, for a really satisfying study of the Bible, you need a Bible.  You don’t need a lot of books about the Bible.  You especially don’t need books written by guys whose agenda is to deny what the Bible says.  These books may have a place, but not if your goal is to have the best study day of your life.

Sixth, you need a strong curiosity.  You ‘ll benefit most, and enjoy it most, if you figure things out yourself.  I figured several things out.  Later when I was reading other books, I realized that many others (if not, everyone) had already figured these things out.  That’s fine.  I “discovered” it, which means I own it.  That makes all the difference.

Seventh, you need the conviction that there is truth and God revealed his truth in order to be understood.  If you think that there are lots of possibilities and it’s hopeless to determine what the author meant, you might make a good commentary writer, but you won’t have a good study day.

You might choose to cap the day off with a bike ride in the neighborhood with your kids.

2 thoughts on “Study Day

  1. Benj

    Eighth,you need a teachable heart which recognizes that God’s word is authoritative and that it is speaking directly to you, something which I know the author of this blog has and is and inspiration to his readers (or at least one of them).


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