Owl City

By | October 25, 2010

I confess to having purchased an album by Owl City.  Though I don’t have any other music remotely related to disco or electronica, I found myself intrigued by this one. 

Last night Adam Young recorded an “Owl City” version of “In Christ Alone,” by Getty and Townend.  You can listen here.  Challies notes that this version doesn’t include the second verse.

2 thoughts on “Owl City

  1. Ashley Mehringer

    Wow Todd…we are huge Owl City fans in this house. You have landed on a gold mine in finding this song. Thank you for sharing. :)

  2. Jennica-Ayelet

    Owl City is one of my favorite bands, and I wrote a post about it today before reading your post, actually! Glad you found him, he’s pretty good.


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