A Sunset in Plano

By | March 23, 2012

While I am frequently reminded how many things I have to be thankful for, one thing I wish I had more of was “outdoor time.” I live most of my life in front of the monitor. This evening I happened to walk by the front door and see a strange light in the street. I had my camera out for another purpose and decided to walk outside and take a look. It was raining lightly and the sun was shining directly down our street.




Yet everything looks different when you point the camera the other direction.


9 thoughts on “A Sunset in Plano

  1. Ilena Madraso

    What?! No April Fool’s post this year? I totally looking forward to some “shocking” news on your end. :)

  2. Todd Bolen Post author

    Ilena – sorry to disappoint. I have enjoyed doing it in the past. This year the combination of it falling on a Sunday and just being overwhelmed with other work kept the temptation to a minimum.

  3. Ilena Madraso

    Todd- Completely understandable. (P.S. I should proofread better before I hit “Post Comment”- especially when posting something to a former professor’s page- and one who loves red ink) ;)

  4. Todd Bolen Post author

    I hope that my love for red ink grows out of a desire to help my students to write better. And the bar is certainly not the same for blog comments (by those who are now friends) as for a formal research paper. In any case, I didn’t notice any mistake until I read it over 3-4 times. I certainly appreciate your friendship.

  5. Ilena Madraso

    Oh how that red ink makes me laugh! I once (or more) said to my 5th/6th graders the same thing you said to our IBEX group: “Your paper is going to have a lot of red all over it- like I bled on it. Get used to it. Don’t be offended. It is because I care and I want you to become better writers. I know you weren’t taught how to write well, but now you will learn. By the time you are out of my class, you will have, hopefully, learned how to write better.”
    I’m trying to mold my students into better writers than I am; that they may one day enter college and not have to learn. :) Thanks for the (painful;) inspiration!

  6. Todd Bolen Post author

    Good thoughts. I think I’m more aware today of just how long the process is to become a better writer. The tough thing for teachers is when they have to spend so much time on basics that should have been learned in previous years and thus little time can be given to helping the student in new areas.

  7. Roberta Franklin

    Thank you for the suggestion of Isaiah by the Day. I’ve had it a week, and it is a “heart warming” beginning to time with the Lord in His Word and prayer.


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