The Word of God says that he who finds a wife finds a good thing (Prov 18:22). Yet it also is aware that it would be better to live in the wilderness than to live with some women (Prov 21:19).
Today marks the day, according to a calculation in an Excel spreadsheet, when I’ve spent exactly half of my days married to Kelli. When I think of all the years in college, high school, back to elementary, and then the preschool days I barely recall, it is surprising to me that I’ve spent just as much time as a married man. They say that time flies when you ‘re having fun and we ‘ve been having a lot of fun.
Today is also a significant day in my mom’s life (Happy Birthday, Mom!). I was born on her mom’s birthday and married on her parents ‘ anniversary. (Kelli and I were engaged on the anniversary of Kelli’s parents.) If dates can be aligned like the stars, I’m a lucky man. Since a belief in “luck” requires a denial of God’s gracious watchcare over every point of our lives, I happily recognize the Lord’s providential blessings and wonder just how many little “Easter eggs” he hides in our lives that we never discover.
I wish I could celebrate the day with Kelli, but today I begin a search for a new home in southern California. I’m excited to see what God has in store for the next half of my life.
God bless your search Todd!
Happy anniversary! I hope your search goes well!