Educational Movie Night

By | May 11, 2020

When the present crisis began, and all outside activities were cancelled, I set up a weekly schedule for evening events for our family. It’s flexible, but it gives us a guide. Monday evening is “educational movie” night, though we are still working to find our groove on it. Tonight we watched a few short videos, and I thought I would pass on what we watched.

God at Work: R.W. and Beth Mackey – their testimony after a horrific bicycle accident that TMU professor Dr. Mackey was in.

Nicholas McCarthy performs Etude Op.25 no.12 ‘Ocean’ Chopin – a beautiful piano piece. Watch this before the next piece.

Interview with Nicolas McCarthy – a little bit of the story of this unusual pianist.

Galaxies Volume 3 – absolutely stunning footage of the night sky.

2 thoughts on “Educational Movie Night

  1. Dan Pence

    Glad you are still having thoughts Todd.
    i stop by here on occasion just so see if you are active.. glad I did. :)

    1. Todd Bolen Post author

      Thanks, Dan. I would like to write more. Just usually run out of day first… Thank you for the encouragement!


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