The Election

By | November 4, 2008

John Piper gives a prayer for the election.

Here is a 4-minute video summarizing the differences between McCain and Obama on the issue of abortion.  It matters.  Here are some details on exactly what Obama will destroy if he becomes president with a Democratic Congress.

HT: Jonathan Moorhead

UPDATE: I’ve heard that anyone can walk into a Starbucks today and get a free tall cup of brewed coffee (whether you voted or not).  Ben and Jerry’s has something similar today between 5-8 pm.

3 thoughts on “The Election

  1. Heather Surls

    The free coffee bit is true! I’m working at Starbucks now…just got the job a couple of weeks ago, and with the way the economy is right now, I’m very thankful to have work.

    Hope you all are doing well!

    –Heather Surls

  2. Kat E.

    Yep! I stopped by Starbucks on my way to work this morning hoping to get that free cup of coffee and walked right back out when I saw the line. Maybe I’ll go later.


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