Author Archives: Todd Bolen

M&Ms next time?

By | April 3, 2006

I think I joked one too many times that I liked Skittles… Dear friends have sent boxes. I like ’em, but honestly, it takes me about a week to eat a small bag. :-)


By | April 1, 2006

I found out today that the college has decided not to renew my contract. They were very complimentary about me in a number of ways. They said I was nice, genuinely compassionate, and nice. But they cited two defects: content and style. I confess that this isn’t entirely a surprise. They had told me some… Read More »

Follow-Up on March Hero

By | March 31, 2006

The March hero has arrived in Israel. This wasn’t planned when I wrote the post earlier this month, but it is an answer to your prayers I believe. Josh has a 10-day break between academic terms and will be going to Galilee with us. God’s timing is perfect. Thank you for praying. Now I am… Read More »

Ten Minutes Out My Door

By | March 29, 2006

I don’t know what you see within a ten-minute walk from your door. Maybe a park, a grocery store, or a restaurant. Sometimes I miss those things. But on a day like today, I wouldn’t trade. There wasn’t much rain this winter and so a Bedouin family (extended family with brother and multiple wives and… Read More »

Elections Today

By | March 28, 2006

Israel is holding elections today, the result of Ariel Sharon disbanding the government and forming a new political party, Kadima, some months ago. The Israel Project has a run-down of the views of the 31(!) political parties running for seats in the Knesset (parliament). Elections here mean a public holiday and the kids are home.

While I Was Away

By | March 23, 2006

Yad HaShmonah was the subject of a 10-page article in the Orthodox magazine Yated Ne’eman. A summary is given in this week’s Caspari Media Review. Consider the source and don’t believe everything you read. David Powlison also has prostate cancer and takes the opportunity to add to Piper’s recent essay, “Don’t Waste Your Cancer.” Craig… Read More »

Two People in Greece

By | March 22, 2006

The above photo will make three of my four friends jealous. That’s not my only reason for posting it. I want to comment on the two people in the picture that you probably don’t know. Second from the right is Fotis, a Greek man who has devoted his life to reaching his people with the… Read More »

Atop Mars Hill

By | March 21, 2006

If you knew that I was in Greece, you’d probably guess that the above photo recalls Paul’s speech to the philosophers at Mars Hill in Athens (for another photo of the hill itself, see my other blog). Those who come from the best college in the world are probably jealous to realize who I got… Read More »

Hero of the Month: March 2006

By | March 12, 2006

Some months ago I had the idea to post a short note here about some people who have greatly impressed me. These are individuals that aren’t (and will never be) in the news, but are the types of people that I want my kids to grow up to be. Josh Watson has been teaching the… Read More »