Author Archives: Todd Bolen

July 8

By | July 8, 2012

Count Robert de La Rochefoucauld was born on September 16 1923 and died May 8 2012. What happened in between makes for a fascinating obituary. If I had a lot of free time, I’d go get a free education. I agree with a lot of what this Catholic priest says is important in a seminary… Read More »

Thank You

By | June 28, 2012

In December of last year, I suggested that you might use a link I provided when going to to shop. Any purchases made from that link would provide a commission to me. Probably a few of you, but likely one in particular, put that link in a good spot and the results were significant.… Read More »

Heaven Experiences

By | June 19, 2012

I think that a lot of Christians struggle with what to do with the testimony of a person who claims to have gone to heaven and come back. How do you respond to someone who makes such a claim? You can’t call them a liar, can you? How do you argue with someone’s experience? Tim… Read More »

June 8

By | June 8, 2012

The Founding Fathers of America were not Christians and not Deists, says a TMC professor in his new book. Every school with a PhD program should discuss the (lack of a) job market with every applicant. Integrity is more important than revenue. I’ve never considered switching to Mac. But what will I do if I… Read More »

Jesus in a Vacuum

By | June 6, 2012

I am astonished by R.C. Sproul’s answer to the question, “What does Scripture teach us about the future role of Israel?” He starts off well, giving two major views: Some Christians believe that the New Testament church replaces Old Testament Israel as the subject matter of Old Testament prophecies about Israel. That is to say… Read More »

The Month of May

By | May 31, 2012

For one who works, studies, and plays at home, my life could be quite a mess without some rather careful borders that separate study time from work time from family time from blog time. The last of these falls into the evening hours, after the kids go to bed. As the kids get older, they… Read More »

A Big Day

By | May 15, 2012

I’ve created a number of digital publications over the years, but this was the first one in which the whole family was involved. Lots of little details that most will never guess needed to be done were worked on by these four over the last year. Thus they were all excited when I delivered the… Read More »

May 10

By | May 10, 2012

Here’s a cool chart of Psalm 119. Nathan Busenitz lists five dangers of fallible prophecy. This is important. “How do incredibly wealthy superstar athletes blow their fortunes?” Mitt Romney and Benjamin Netanyahu are old friends. I wouldn’t have guessed. Somebody has analyzed email closings and graphed the most popular from natural to self-conscious, and from… Read More »

April 16

By | April 16, 2012

I’ve been away for a while and one of the things I accomplished was finishing the revised edition of the Pictorial Library of Bible Lands. If you look at my Twitter feed, you would have seen that I finished one year to the day that I passed my last comprehensive exam. (We won’t say anything… Read More »