Author Archives: Todd Bolen


By | April 21, 2011

The letters of Paul keep getting shorter, and in fact, that is probably why they were arranged in the order they are – from longest to shortest. Philemon is a friend of Paul’s, and Paul writes him because he found one of Philemon’s slaves, a man named Onesimus. The point of the letter is for… Read More »

April 19

By | April 19, 2011

I think they may figure out that it was me.   “Jalali said Iranian experts have traced the Stuxnet virus back to the U.S. state of Texas and Israel, IRNA reported. Western experts say only a number of powerful countries could have developed Stuxnet.” Is Rob Bell a Christian?   John MacArthur explains why he… Read More »

1-2 Timothy, Titus

By | April 17, 2011

1 Timothy Paul had a disciple that he sent to Ephesus to be the pastor of the church there. But Timothy was young and needed some advice. This letter is so helpful to us today because we learn a lot of things about how a church should run. For instance, we learn about what is… Read More »

April 13

By | April 13, 2011

All this to sell a phone. Impressive. It’s not just that 85 mph may become a reality, but it’s what it tells us about Texans that I love.  Yes, another new major English translation of the Bible.  If you watch the promo, they ‘ll tell you it’s because they can’t find any they can understand. … Read More »

Yes or No?

By | April 11, 2011

You don’t have to know biblical Hebrew or Greek to know that translation is difficult and there is often not a one-to-one correspondence between a word in one language and a word in another.  Usually, though, you don’t find such a discrepancy as one translation reading “yes,” and another reading “no,” but you do in… Read More »

Palestine as a Member of the UN

By | April 9, 2011

From the New York Times, earlier this week: “We are facing a diplomatic-political tsunami that the majority of the public is unaware of and that will peak in September,” said Ehud Barak, Israel’s defense minister, at a conference in Tel Aviv last month. “It is a very dangerous situation, one that requires action.” He added,… Read More »

Please Skip Easter Sunday Service

By | April 5, 2011

Tonight I received in my inbox a church newsletter (not from my church but another in my city).  It begins with this paragraph: This is a big week in the life of a church—a great celebration of His resurrection following a purposeful remembrance of His death. This year, I wonder if I might ask a… Read More »


By | April 5, 2011

This morning I had my oral comprehensive exam.  After two hours of questioning about issues of Bible content and interpretation, the professors informed me that I had passed the exam.  I am thankful to those who prayed for me.  The Lord is good to have sustained me through this long process.

Interview of Netanyahu

By | April 2, 2011

I would recommend to you the Youtube interview of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.  It’s long, but Netanyahu expresses well the Israeli perspective that you do not often get from the mainstream media.  For instance, he explains why the issue of Israel building in the West Bank is a red herring.  One advantage of the… Read More »

Panels of Cedar

By | April 1, 2011

I know that it’s been a few days since I posted here last and I really owe you something interesting, but I am just tuckered out after spending all night in line waiting for the opening of the first ever In-N-Out in Dallas.  I was hoping to have some insightful wisdom from Scripture, but all… Read More »