Author Archives: Todd Bolen

November 18

By | November 18, 2010

I’m off for the weekend to Lake Texoma.  Try and guess where that is.  No, it’s not anywhere close to Texarkana.  And it’s a very far distance from Texico.  I’m sure glad that Texas doesn’t share a border with Wisconsin. Does the kibbutz have a future?  The Jerusalem Post looks backwards and forwards on the… Read More »

A Second 2011 Calendar

By | November 16, 2010

I mentioned here last month a new 2011 calendar.  Sarah just saw it for sale at Office Depot.  Let me know if there are any other sightings. Another group has used my photos for a 2011 calendar.  Produced by Lion and the Lamb Ministries, the theme of this one is “Gates of the Old City… Read More »

So Speak, Isaiah

By | November 13, 2010

One of my favorite “Christmas” albums of all time is Behold the Lamb of God, by Andrew Peterson.  I put “Christmas” in quotation marks because unlike all other Christmas albums, I listen to this one year round.  That’s because it captures the heart of Christmas, which is not a glory limited to one day a… Read More »

November 11

By | November 11, 2010

PC or Mac?  Here’s a new one. I’m not really sure what a “neutral” article on the Arab-Israeli conflict would like look, but this one earns points for saying things that you won’t read elsewhere. This is an impressive 2-minute Timescapes video. How to raise boys who read – is the secret gross books? These… Read More »

Netanyahu’s Speech at the UN

By | November 9, 2010

I’m probably breaking some blogging rule by linking to something that didn’t happen this week (or even this year), but I just saw this and thought that it might have escaped the notice of others as well.  Last year Benjamin Netanyahu, prime minister of Israel, addressed the United Nations, one day after a punk from… Read More »

4 Inches

By | November 5, 2010

That’s the height of the stack of papers on my desk.  I remember when I was a kid and a babysitter said she had to write a 30-page paper.  I was in awe.  Since that time, I’ve written many papers.  Most of them took me less time to research and write than the current one… Read More »

Another Reason to Study Your Bible

By | November 3, 2010

I found John Piper’s recent message from his National Conference to be very good and I would recommend that you listen to it.  The title is “The Life of the Mind and the Love of God.” Here is one quote: There is an odd notion that, if we use our minds to grow in our… Read More »