Author Archives: Todd Bolen

The Most Destructive Drug

By | November 1, 2010

I’m not going to turn this blog into a screed against alcohol, but a major new study makes a point that buttresses my earlier post.  From the Associated Press: Alcohol is more dangerous than illegal drugs like heroin and crack cocaine, according to a new study. British experts evaluated substances including alcohol, cocaine, heroin, ecstasy… Read More »

Free Audiobook: Don’t Waste Your Life

By | November 1, 2010

This month you can get the audio book by John Piper for free at  If you haven’t registered already, it’s worth registering because they give away a free book every month.  With the exception of last month’s offering, they are usually good.  If you have used their services before and found them clunky, be… Read More »

After the Last Dirty Politician

By | November 1, 2010

Andrew Peterson is one of my favorite artists.  “After the Last Tear Falls” is currently at the top of my (two-song) playlist.  I don’t know the best way to share it here, but I found this Youtube video.  You can hit play and then minimize the window to avoid being distracted by the pictures.  (Or… Read More »

My Lessons in Isaiah

By | October 28, 2010

I’ve had a few requests for my Sunday School lessons as I teach through Isaiah chapter by chapter.  This week I start the well-known chapter 53 (technically, it begins in 52:13).  And I’ve just posted the available handouts and mp3 files for chapters 1-52 here.  There are many better resources, including: Layman level, easy reading,… Read More »

Owl City

By | October 25, 2010

I confess to having purchased an album by Owl City.  Though I don’t have any other music remotely related to disco or electronica, I found myself intrigued by this one.  Last night Adam Young recorded an “Owl City” version of “In Christ Alone,” by Getty and Townend.  You can listen here.  Challies notes that this… Read More »

A Day at Middle School

By | October 21, 2010

Two of our boys started middle school (6th-8th grade) this year.  The school has a program that makes it easy for dads to volunteer and visit for a day or more during the school year.  Today was my day.  For a couple of periods, I served the dean by doing some organization in the book… Read More »

When Is It Wise To Drink?

By | October 18, 2010

My background is completely different than Daniel Akin’s.  I’ve never had a person close to me abuse alcohol.  Nor did I grow up in an environment where alcohol was demonized.  But I’ve come to the same conclusion as Akin. I challenge anyone to show me the superior wisdom of drinking “in moderation,” as opposed to… Read More »

Jonathan and John

By | October 17, 2010

A friend wrote yesterday.  I will not name him.  But he was eager that our son be named Jack.  We named our son Jonathan.  Our friend was happy with this because, he reasoned, Jonathan is like John, and Jack is a nickname for John.  So he plans to call our son Jack. It is true… Read More »


By | October 11, 2010

Good news!  Our son has arrived!  This morning Kelli had a C-section and at 8:04, Jonathan Daniel poked his head out into this bright, loud world.  Last night I predicted that he would weigh 7lbs and 9 oz.  The little guy must have picked up 2 oz overnight just to prove me wrong!  (If you… Read More »