Author Archives: Todd Bolen

Follow-up to Guess Which One

By | June 9, 2010

I meant to follow-up more quickly on the Guess Which One post; my apologies to those who were waiting. The correct answer was #8: In fact, I have too many books on my desk.  The rest are all true.  A few comments. 1. Our boys did graduate and they ‘re off to “middle school” in… Read More »

Guess Which One

By | June 3, 2010

There’s probably a name for this game, but I don’t know what it is.  The rules are quite simple: guess which one(s) is not true. Our two oldest found out tonight that fifth grade graduation in (this part of) Texas is a big deal. A piece I submitted for publication was first read by the… Read More »

June 1

By | June 1, 2010

If you liked the last visual illusion I posted here (with the candles), you might like the winner of the Best Visual Illusion of the Year for 2010. This 3-minute video on the “Contemporvant Worship Service” has gone viral.  If you haven’t seen it, and you ‘re my age or younger, you ‘ll probably like… Read More »

Tickled and Enthralled

By | May 27, 2010

Here’s a good reminder from Thomas Brooks, via GraceGems: (Thomas Brooks, “A Word in Season to Suffering Saints,” 1675) “O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek You; my soul thirsts for You, my body longs for You, in a dry and weary land where there is no water. I have seen You in… Read More »

Give-Away Follow-up

By | May 20, 2010

I know that after a poll or something similar, I often like to know the results.  In that spirit, I offer a brief summary of last week’s give-away.  Overall, I consider it to have been a great success.  Many people were interested, and I am happy to put things that I like in the hand… Read More »

Handyman from Guatemala

By | May 19, 2010

Two days ago: Jose Rosales was a devout Christian. He sent every spare penny he made as a landscaper and handyman back to his family in Guatemala, and he was so strong and industrious that he did the work of three men. He had the complete trust of the Brar family who hired him. In… Read More »

Facing Death

By | May 18, 2010

I’m an advocate of visiting a cemetery once a year as a reminder of your mortality.  If you haven’t made it yet, I recommend watching this four-minute video that Zac Smith made when he had cancer.

Marketing Bible Study

By | May 17, 2010

Does it strike anybody else as strange that all of the covers of the Bible Study Magazine (produced by Logos) have head shots of “famous” Christians?  This particularly struck me when looking at their ad on the last page of this pdf file.  But it’s no accident: the first item listed in the sales pitch… Read More »


By | May 14, 2010

I’ve been reading erotic literature all day.  Incredibly powerful, delightful, exquisite, and God-honoring.  There are a lot of songs, but this is the best.