Author Archives: Todd Bolen

Books from ETS

By | November 23, 2009

I spent last week at the annual meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society.  One of the benefits to attendees is good prices on the latest books, usually at 50% discount.  I’ve attended three times previously, but for various reasons I purchased very little.  This year I bought much more, in part thinking ahead to next… Read More »

Twelve Things I Like About Texas (#11 and #12)

By | November 22, 2009

11. Kids ‘ athletic fields here which are better than professional facilities in Israel.  They are simply amazing.  I don’t just mean that the fields have grass and lack potholes (yes, we ‘ve already surpassed the major leagues elsewhere), but the paths between the fields are paved with concrete, seating is provided with backs, and… Read More »

November 16

By | November 16, 2009

Homosexual marriage: it only gets worse… Here’s the world’s luckiest train track inspector… All Piper audiobooks are $5 at for a short time.  A couple of Kelli’s closest friends here have never heard of John Piper. I am off in the morning for five days in New Orleans at the Evangelical Theological Society conference… Read More »

An Evening of Research

By | November 12, 2009

Yesterday I finished research and then wrote a paper on the historical background to the acclamation of Herod Agrippa as a god (Acts 12:20-23).  That was the last of seven short research papers/projects of the semester.  This afternoon I started research on my major one.  The assignment is to produce an article of publishable quality… Read More »

2010 Calendar

By | November 11, 2009

I haven’t had any calendars with my photos in a year or two, but I’m back in print in 2010.  This calendar is produced by Lamb and Lion Ministries and the theme is “Churches of Israel.”  The photos are all exterior shots, of buildings such as the Church of All Nations (Gethsemane), Dominus Flevit, Primacy… Read More »