Author Archives: Todd Bolen

I’ll Be a Democrat in Heaven

By | May 16, 2009

I’m having a grand old time reading through Chronicles “for the first time.”  One of the major themes is that the people should obey the law of Moses.  And another theme running throughout the book is that when the people obey, they rejoice.  But I didn’t see this one coming: 2 Chronicles 24:9-10 (ESV) “And… Read More »

Messianic Jews Attacked in Rehovot

By | May 15, 2009

On Wednesday of this week, according to a source not friendly to believers, ynetnews: Messianic Jews took to the streets of the central city of Rehovot on Wednesday and handed out pamphlets of the New Testament in an attempt to convince passersby to convert. Ultra-Orthodox residents were outraged by the site and began beating the… Read More »

JPost Article on Messianic Jews

By | May 14, 2009

This article in the Jerusalem Post features a number of former neighbors at Yad HaShmonah, talking about their faith.  Like most religious Zionists, Aryeh Bar-David sees the hand of God in the establishment of the Jewish state and the Jewish people’s repeated victories against its enemies. Yom Ha’atzmaut has religious meaning as a tangible sign… Read More »

Language Learning

By | May 11, 2009

Today was the first class of Theological German.  The teacher showed this video to demonstrate the importance of learning language well.  The scene shows an officer briefing a new Coast Guard cadet on his first day at work.

Deep Breath

By | May 8, 2009

The most common response to this blog, I suspect, is a shaking of the head and an astonished comment that while it’s not impossible to be so ignorant, it’s hard to believe that one could be so old and with the opportunities that I have had and still be so behind.  The wisest thing for… Read More »

The Power of the Word

By | May 6, 2009

The Gospel of John records a curious little note during the arrest of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. John 18:4-7 (ESV) Then Jesus, knowing all that would happen to him, came forward and said to them, “Whom do you seek?” 5 They answered him, “Jesus of Nazareth.” Jesus said to them, “I am he.”… Read More »

The Great Supper of God

By | May 3, 2009

Are you excited about the future “great supper of God”?  Is your appetite growing for this glorious future meal?  I hope not. Revelation 19:17-18 (ESV) Then I saw an angel standing in the sun, and with a loud voice he called to all the birds that fly directly overhead, “Come, gather for the great supper… Read More »

Proverbs NOT found in the Bible

By | May 1, 2009

“The man who does not sacrifice to his god can make the god run after him like a dog.” (Dialogue of Pessimism) “Who is wealthy? Who is rich? For whom shall I reserve my intimacy?” (Mesopotamian proverb) “When you have seen for yourself the profit of reverencing god, You will praise god and bless the… Read More »

April 28

By | April 28, 2009

Is Pornography the New Tobacco?  This is not short, but it’s quite interesting.  I read elsewhere a few days ago that pornography is the number one cause of divorce among Christian couples today. This guy really knows how to ride a bike! You might be interested in a new song that is the winner of… Read More »