Author Archives: Todd Bolen

pastor OR scholar?

By | April 24, 2009

Last night John Piper spoke on “The Pastor as Scholar: A Personal Journey.”  There are many things he said that resonate with me.  If you ‘re pursuing scholarship, you might put this on your “to read” list.  I ‘ll pick out one statement that I agree with and one that is not true for me.… Read More »

A Loud and Promised Land

By | April 19, 2009

That’s the title of a NY Times article that captures so much of Israeli life from the perspective of a foreigner.  Here’s a taste: Israel is a country held together by argument. Public culture is one long cacophony of criticism. The politicians go at each other with a fury we can’t even fathom in the… Read More »

Three Basic Needs

By | April 14, 2009

My daughter got a perfect score on a test this week.  According to the teacher’s answer key, I would certainly have missed this question: People have three basic needs.  What are these needs? a. food, TV, cell phone b. clothing, books, food c. TV, clothing, shelter d. food, shelter, clothing

April 9

By | April 9, 2009

MIT is developing the “sixth sense.” Bird catches fish.  Nice photography. Who needs the Mac guy?  (or try this one) If you liked the one before with the guy who made the sounds with his mouth, you ‘ll probably like this group of ten.  No instruments, no sound effects.  Believe it or not.

Passion Week Readings

By | April 5, 2009

Today is Palm Sunday, and if you ‘d like to better appreciate the events in Jesus’s life that led to his crucifixion (Friday) and resurrection (Sunday), I’d encourage you to read the portions in your Bible that correspond to the days of the week in which they occurred in the life of Christ.  There are… Read More »

April 3

By | April 3, 2009

Are you a Facebook fool? This guy took a lot of photos and made a cool movie of changing landscapes. On our recent trip to Georgia and Florida, we stopped by a beautiful beach and were delighted to see some dolphins hanging around.  It was nothing like this though. If someone killed your husband, would… Read More »

Change of Program

By | April 1, 2009

After a period of serious reflection, consultation, and consideration, I have decided to make a slight change in my educational program.  The PhD at DTS is quite good, but it is also quite hard, and it takes a long time.  There’s something to be said for hard things, but there’s also something to be said… Read More »