Author Archives: Todd Bolen

The Last Six Weeks, in Photos

By | August 28, 2007

I don’t know if I’ve ever gone a month and a half without downloading my pictures from my camera.  But I suppose that a combination of events made that possible this summer.  But I have done it now, and thought I’d share a few pictures of the last six weeks of our life. Packers came a… Read More »

TMC #2

By | August 27, 2007

I don’t have any right to be, but I am still proud of this: Santa Clarita, California, August 27, 2007—The Master’s College has been ranked 2nd in the West (the top tier) as one of America’s Best Colleges in the category of Best Comprehensive Baccalaureate Colleges in the 2008 Edition of “America’s Best Colleges” released… Read More »

Churches We Visited

By | August 26, 2007

As I’ve mentioned before, we’re visiting churches.  Finding a church home has not gone as quickly as I had originally envisioned because first we thought we were going to live in one city and thus visited churches there, and then we realized we weren’t but were staying in a house in another part of the… Read More »


By | August 24, 2007

There are two kinds of people in the world: those who know what Facebook is and those who don’t.  If you’re in the latter category like me, you can learn more about it from the cover article of this week’s Newsweek.  A lot of people apparently like it.  To me it’s like a beer: I… Read More »

Another Source of Income

By | August 22, 2007

This could help pay for my PhD, especially if it were retroactive… Hundreds of religious-Zionist singles have signed a letter to their leading rabbis and other prominent figures, asking for the institution of a new/old practice of paying matchmakers.  This, they feel, will encourage qualified people to offer more shidduchim (potential matches). “The problem of… Read More »

Sabbatical Year

By | August 20, 2007

Does the Law of Moses still apply today, or was that “fulfilled” with Jesus?  There are three positions among believers in Israel.  1) Doesn’t apply at all.  The pastor of Jerusalem Assembly holds this.  2) Applies to all.  Many Messianics hold to this.  3) Applies to Jews but not to Gentiles.  Some at the moshav… Read More »

You Are Not Welcome Here

By | August 17, 2007

It seems like Israel doesn’t like receiving a taste of their own medicine. American Jewish organizations are worried that changes to a special visa program could prevent hundreds of Israelis from coming to the US and leave vital religious jobs unfilled…. Adjudicators were now “trying to throw the kitchen sink at somebody and see if… Read More »

You Should Do This

By | August 16, 2007

Last year I noted here how impressed I was by this guy who recited Hebrews 9 and 10.  He not only quoted it, but he did it in a way that inspired me to get working on a memory project I had not made much progress on.  Because he motivated me, I thought that I might… Read More »

Move Update

By | August 14, 2007

Here is the majority of yesterday’s “Bolen Family Update.”  I don’t normally put it online because it contains personal details.  Most of this should not be embarrassing to anyone 15 years from now.  If you don’t get that update or know our secret moving blog address, but you live in the Dallas area and want… Read More »