Author Archives: Todd Bolen

Everything Stops

By | April 23, 2007

Today is Memorial Day in Israel, in which the nation’s fallen soldiers are remembered.  At 8 pm last night and at 11 am this morning, a siren sounded and everything in the nation stopped.  Cars stopped on the freeway and people got out and stood and remembered.  For one minute last night and two this… Read More »

Questions (and answers)

By | April 19, 2007

I am going away for the weekend (not to a country north of us as I had planned at one point).  With time being short, I’ve been responding to a few emails and thought that a few questions I’ve been asked might be of more general interest.  Are you still planning on moving to Dallas… Read More »

Not in America

By | April 18, 2007

Israel is sometimes called the 51st state.  In many ways there are similarities and sometimes you forget that you’re on the other side of the world.  But yesterday I had three reminders that I’m not in America. 1. The cheapest child’s hamburger at Burger King is $3.20 (12.90 NIS). 2. No mail arrived.  We haven’t… Read More »

Gun Control Kills

By | April 18, 2007

There are many sad aspects to the Virginia Tech massacre that are worthy of comment and prayer.  I want to mention but one here.  I believe that gun control laws are in part to blame for the tragedy.  Yes, you read that right.  I know that every “expert” on the TV that I am not… Read More »

Holocaust Day

By | April 16, 2007

Today in Israel is Holocaust Martyrs ‘ and Heroes ‘ Remembrance Day.  At 10:00 this morning, loud sirens sounded throughout the country, calling people to stop for two minutes of silence and reflection.  Arutz-7 links today to Israel National Radio which features a series of testimonies given by Holocaust survivors. Among 12 accounts of suffering… Read More »


By | April 1, 2007

I am feeling good today.   At home this morning the kids were just so well behaved, each sharing with one another and not an angry word or yell to be heard.   After eating my favorite breakfast (pancakes with sausage gravy), I headed up to the office.   Among the mail waiting for me… Read More »

Odds and ends

By | March 23, 2007

Sometimes you just marvel and say, that is a cool photo. I’ve been using TinyURL for years, but urlTea seems better if you want to shrink (and customize) a link. One chart that summarizes the major views about the millennium (or lack thereof) is online here. For some months now, I’ve been using Windows Live… Read More »

Yep, Still Alive

By | March 20, 2007

I know that I haven’t blogged in a while and it’s been pretty weak even when I have.  I fear that it’s going to get worse before it gets better.  Starting with this post… So, 3,000 flights are cancelled in New England and the result is that I spend Sunday at places like Mount Gerizim… Read More »