Author Archives: Todd Bolen

Holy Land Photo Quiz

By | October 14, 2006

When you’re busy doing other things, you start doing silly little photo quizzes on your blog. So here goes… Where was this photo taken? Click on the photo to see a large version before you try to guess. a. Next to a basketball court in Jerusalem b. At a cemetery on Mount Zion c. At… Read More »

From a U.S. Soldier in Iraq

By | October 10, 2006

A soldier in Iraq wrote a letter to his family which got circulated until it was picked up and run by Time magazine. It’s worth reading if you have a few minutes and are interested in a from-the-ground perspective. Here are a few sections: Most Profound Man in Iraq — an unidentified farmer in a… Read More »

Columbine Father on CBS

By | October 8, 2006

It’s hard to believe that CBS News actually let this guy say what he did. They call the segment “Free Speech,” but in liberal media that usually doesn’t mean anything.   It must be an indication that the network is at the bottom of the ratings. On her blog, Katie Couric responded to criticism by… Read More »

Who Controlled the Middle East?

By | October 7, 2006

I tell my students that knowing the history of the Levant (aka western end of Fertile Crescent, land of Israel, land of Palestine, Middle East) is like knowing the history of the world, as everybody who was anybody controlled this tiny strip of land. This 90-second flash presentation animates that idea.

Divine Art

By | October 6, 2006

If you have a minute, here are some amazing photos of snowflakes, courtesy of some really smart guys at Caltech.   There are several photo galleries as well as a Snowflake Primer and a FAQ.   This is just another one of the places where God has hidden beauty that almost no one ever sees.

Poor Salesman

By | October 5, 2006

Back-to-back one minute posts: The life of Christ books for Logos/Libronix still has not crossed the threshold for minimum orders, but it sure looks close. The calendar idea I suggested is a no-go, but I’ll have pictures in another calendar for 2007. If I learn that it’s publicly available, I’ll mention it here. UPDATE: I… Read More »

The Israeli Way

By | October 4, 2006

I fulfilled a long-time desire today, but otherwise I am just barely making it this week with no relief in immediate view. But to keep my faithful readership happy, here’s a one-minute post. Last week I went to a brit (circumcision ceremony) of a neighbor’s family. Before the service, I asked the father if it… Read More »

Yom Kippur

By | October 2, 2006

Today is Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, which is described in Leviticus 16. The Jerusalem Post has an article on a curious practice that some Jews follow in the days before Yom Kippur. In the absence of a temple and the blood sacrifices that provide atonement for sins, some Jews today observe a sacrificial… Read More »

Bible Commentaries: Correction

By | September 28, 2006

I thought that price was too good to be true, and indeed it was. The set that I mentioned yesterday is the old series, not the revised one. Thanks to Mike Jarvis for pointing it out. I was thrown off by the fact that 1) some volumes in the new series are now available; 2)… Read More »

Bible Commentaries

By | September 27, 2006

When asked what the best Bible commentary set is, I recommend the 12-volume Expositor’s Bible Commentary. In one set, you get complete coverage of the Bible that is conservative and generally helpful. There are certainly better single-volume commentaries on individual biblical books, but you’ll spend a lot more on those (besides the research required to… Read More »