Author Archives: Todd Bolen

Summer Fruit

By | September 25, 2006

This morning we stopped class to go harvest grapes. It’s pretty cool to be able to walk five minutes down the road and be in a large vineyard. Later in the day I set up the display below. We’re not to this point yet in the Ancient Israel class, but the fruit is ripe now.… Read More »

An Average Week in Israel

By | September 22, 2006

Last year in an average week in Israel, 9 people were killed in road accidents, 1 Israeli was murdered by terrorists, and over 950 babies were killed by abortion. Female soldiers in the army are told that they are allowed three free abortions during their military service. Israel has no cut-off date for late-term abortions… Read More »

Denying Jerusalem's Existence

By | September 21, 2006

No, this is not a story about the latest Muslim claim regarding the Holy City. Actually, it’s the Israelis who claim in a new tourist brochure, “Jerusalem – there’s no such city!” This English brochure was translated from the Hebrew and is more accurately rendered, “Jerusalem – there’s no city like it!”. The error was… Read More »

Happy New Year

By | September 21, 2006

The Jewish year 5767 begins on Friday night, which according to biblical reckoning is the first day of the seventh month, the Feast of Trumpets. Google has gotten into the spirit with a cool graphic on the Google Israel page. Elsewhere, I found a page that makes it easy to search Google’s various categories. It’s… Read More »

What's Taking You So Long?

By | September 20, 2006

This guy graduated college in one year.   The secret: come in with 72 units from AP exams, take 23 units in the fall and 37 in the spring.   I recommend it: you’ll save a lot of money, though your dating life might suffer a bit.

Computer Sins, Part 2

By | September 18, 2006

Continued from last week, here’s #3. 3. Not making a regular backup of your data files. This is actually the point that provoked these posts. This isn’t important in the same way that the previous two points were important, but it is important in a different way, and it must not be ignored. The reason… Read More »

The Believer and the Mosaic Law

By | September 17, 2006

A good follow-up to my “God’s Love Letter to You?” post is Justin Taylor’s summary of two works on the law and the believer. He gives the essence of the writer’s thoughts and I think it is helpful. For more on the issue, I recommend Five Views on Law and Gospel. Of the five views,… Read More »

Muslims Seek Armageddon?

By | September 15, 2006

I don’t have time today to 1) finish my thoughts on “computer sins” or 2) tell you about some cool excavations I saw in Jerusalem today (and which have not made the news, as far as I can tell). #1 will happen early next week, hopefully. #2 will be on the BiblePlaces Blog, also early… Read More »

Computer Sins, Part 1

By | September 14, 2006

This post is not about what you might expect to hear – the standard sins mentioned in sermons and such. Things like time-wasting, gossip, violating copyright law, pornography, and rude behavior are serious sins, but not the subject of my concern today. No, my concern probably affects more of computer users than the above, believe… Read More »

Some Email Rules

By | September 12, 2006

I don’t intend to change the world’s email etiquette by this post, but perhaps there are a few of my readers who might learn something. 1. Always include a subject on your email. This makes it easier for the reader to identify the message. 2. Always “sign” your name near the end of your email… Read More »