Category Archives: Family


By | September 2, 2010

I don’t believe I’ve done very well my with “favorite days in my life” series.  Here’s a photo I took nine years ago today.  I ‘ll just say that the births of our first two didn’t go so well.  The third went extremely well and the memories are sweet.

18 Years

By | August 8, 2010

Today makes 18 years.  Several recent events make it more precious than it may have been otherwise.  Perhaps more on those things another time, but this is all the blogging I’m going to do today. The place where we were engaged, Great Smoky Mountains, Tennessee

Mark’s Improvement

By | May 2, 2010

Since I last wrote, Mark has made significant strides.  We are thankful.  Saturday was not so good.  Between us and the nurses, I don’t think we got the pain medicine right.  And friends probably anticipated that it would be a busy visiting day and so no one did.  Today, however, was remarkably different.  It’s the… Read More »

Mark’s Surgery Successful

By | April 29, 2010

Thank you for praying for us.  The surgery went well and Mark is back in his room. The doctor took pictures (and gave them to us).  Mark’s insides were definitely in need of a good cleaning out, but there were no complications.  The possibility that he would need to go to ICU was not realized. … Read More »

Mark’s Appendix – Wed PM

By | April 28, 2010

We thank you for your prayers and kind notes.  When I wrote earlier today, there was much that we didn’t know and all that goes along with that.  Upon his arrival at Medical City Children’s Hospital in Dallas, we got a better feel for how things look and the approach they’ll take.  Overall, we are… Read More »

Mark’s Appendix

By | April 28, 2010

We have just learned that Mark’s appendix has burst (1:30 p.m. Dallas time).  He’s being transferred from the local ER to a major Dallas hospital by ambulance for surgery.  He has been sick and in pain for a few days but the symptoms matched something “that’s been going around” and so we didn’t take him… Read More »

That Texas Trip

By | March 25, 2010

A friend of ours at church has a lease on a ranch northwest of Dallas.  We had a good time.  I ‘ll let the pictures speak for themselves.          I ‘ll admit here publicly, for the sake of one of my friends, that I saw parts of Texas that were beautiful.

Dan to Sinai

By | December 26, 2009

Tomorrow I fly to Israel to teach a three-week seminary program.  I’ve prepared a couple of posts that will go up later this week, but I don’t expect to have much time to post much else of substance while I’m traveling. If you forget and check in here and see nothing new, perhaps that will… Read More »


By | December 24, 2009

It’s snowing and I’m grilling.  Does that lower anyone’s estimate of me? Yesterday, when we planned this, it was 80. Our children, November 2009

Fifth Grade Camp

By | October 5, 2009

I am off for three days to Fifth Grade Adventure Camp with Luke and Mark.  Though required for parents of certain children, Kelli was told this morning by the principal that it is her favorite week of the school year.  Activities include boating, archery, dendrology/compass, prairie ecology, forest trail, lake trail, and water quality research. … Read More »