Category Archives: Life


By | March 2, 2009

I don’t know who Jack Hughes is, and maybe that makes it all the more remarkable.  This has to be the best sermon on hell I’ve ever heard.  You should listen to it.  Yes, you.

February 9

By | February 9, 2009

A Palestinian journalist has some very insightful thoughts about the current situation in Gaza, the West Bank and Israel.  It’s not short, but it’s honest. John Piper’s latest biographical sermon is now available (audio, text).  His subject was George Whitefield and his title was “‘I Will Not Be a Velvet-Mouthed Preacher! ‘ The Life and… Read More »

February 3

By | February 3, 2009

Dallas Seminary is in the news.  Unfortunately it’s because the VP of Finance embezzled $165,000.  If you watch the video, you ‘ll feel sorry for the wife who declares his innocence because “I know my husband.”  So who should you vote for in the upcoming election in Israel?  This site reveals your political position based… Read More »

Prophetic Perfects, Photographs, and a Pilot

By | January 28, 2009

Dr. Bookman is challenging sacred cows in his questioning of the already/not yet construct. The Blue Angels go low in the SF Bay. I thought this article was interesting: All I want to do is Zoom Zoom Zoom Zoom: Microsoft’s Photosynth, the best thing to happen to photography since the digital camera. Car lands on… Read More »

Gaza, Greek, and Carbon 14

By | January 26, 2009

A trustworthy friend who once lived in Gaza highly recommends this WSJ article on the background of the situation there. The Terrorism Awareness Project has an 8-minute animated slideshow that gives the background of the Arab-Israeli conflict. If you ‘re suspicious of Carbon 14 dating, this brief article might be of interest. I don’t live… Read More »

January 21

By | January 21, 2009

If you think the U.S. economy is bad, you should try living in Zimbabwe where they just introduced a $100 trillion bill! There is a ton of wisdom and experience in the Bethlehem Relational Commitments (pdf) document of Bethlehem Baptist Church.  It seems like a great place to start if you ‘re in church leadership… Read More »

January 14

By | January 14, 2009

If you think that the current Gaza war is between Israel and the Palestinians, you should read this JPost article to see who is really behind the war. You may not realize that Bible translations often make minor changes over the years, particularly in its earliest years.  The ESV has a “2007 edition,” and you… Read More »

The Mere Sight of These Books

By | January 5, 2009

From Bishop Epiphanius of Cyprus (The Sayings of the Desert Fathers; Cistercian Publications, pg. 58): "The acquisition of Christian books is necessary for those who can use them. For the mere sight of these books renders us less inclined to sin and incites us to believe more firmly in righteousness."  (HT: A.D.) When possible, I… Read More »

Books, Reviews, and Newsletters

By | December 30, 2008

So, judging from the media’s reporting, how many books do you suppose President Bush read the last three years?  A half?  Actually, he read the Bible cover to cover each year.  Besides that, he has averaged 62 books each of the last three years.  That’s impressive, especially for someone with a few other things to… Read More »