Category Archives: Life

Semester End

By | December 18, 2008

I turned in my last paper of the semester today.  That’s a relief.  I have quite a bit I’d like to say here, starting with a brief review of what I did this semester.  But the backlog is too great, and so tonight I ‘ll simply pass on a few links. A 2.5 minute video… Read More »

Reasons to Smile

By | December 10, 2008

Some of my readers will smile since I pointed them to “Validation,” a 15-minute short film that has won a lot of awards. If you ‘re looking for a Hebrew or Greek Bible (or the Tubinger Bible Atlas), Eisenbrauns has a good sale through December. A pro-choice medical student’s experience in learning how to do… Read More »


By | December 5, 2008

I read this story today; it’s on a number of websites including this one. The 92-year-old, petite, well-poised and proud lady, who is fully dressed each morning by eight o’clock, with her hair fashionably coifed and makeup perfectly applied, even though she is legally blind, moved to a nursing home today. Her husband of 70… Read More »


By | December 1, 2008

If you like books, you ‘ll certainly find something of interest here: 100 Tips and Tools for Managing Your Personal Library. If the name Zane Hodges means anything to you, it’s probably because he takes the opposing view of John MacArthur in the so-called “Lordship Salvation” debate.  Hodges ‘ view is quite extreme on this… Read More »

The Great Depression II

By | November 28, 2008

Just what I was thinking, but more eloquently, Peggy Noonan: I am thankful for something we’re not seeing. One of the weirdest, most perceptually jarring things about the economic crisis is that everything looks the same. We are told every day and in every news venue that we are in Great Depression II, that we… Read More »

Change I Can Believe In

By | November 14, 2008

I write these one-liners for the blog as I come across them, but it takes a while to collect enough to make a post (or to have time to finalize and post).  That may help you explain a couple of references below to Obama. There are many reasons why I like living where we do. … Read More »

Petition: Freedom of Choice Act

By | November 11, 2008

One of the most damaging things that Obama could do as president is to sign the Freedom of Choice Act.  He has promised that the first thing he ‘ll do in office is to sign it.  This bill would wipe away every restriction on abortion nationwide.  This would eradicate state and federal laws that the… Read More »

The Election

By | November 4, 2008

John Piper gives a prayer for the election. Here is a 4-minute video summarizing the differences between McCain and Obama on the issue of abortion.  It matters.  Here are some details on exactly what Obama will destroy if he becomes president with a Democratic Congress. HT: Jonathan Moorhead UPDATE: I’ve heard that anyone can walk… Read More »

Birds, Meltdown, and the Universe

By | September 30, 2008

If you ‘re looking for a simple explanation of how the country got into this financial mess, you can read “Picturing the Subprime Mortgage Meltdown and Rescue as a Bedtime Story.” The one possibility that would bring death to nearly every liberal theory: the ancients were intelligent. Amazing bird sounds (3 min) – make sure… Read More »

Some Things – 9/24

By | September 24, 2008

So what do I do all week?  Feel dumb.  Last Friday I read hermeneutics and felt dumb.  Monday I studied Isaiah and felt —-.  Yesterday I studied the New Perspective on Paul and —- —-.  Today in class, yup.  Actually there was a bright moment, when, for about 10 seconds, I thought, hey, I’ve heard… Read More »