Category Archives: Life

May 13

By | May 13, 2011

In-N-Out opened in Texas on Wednesday.  Some cars ran out of gas waiting in line.  Our son reports that a kid was wearing a “In-N-Out Texas” T-shirt to school on Thursday. I am now a “candidate” for the Ph.D. degree.  It seems like a lot of time and money to only become what the dictionary… Read More »

May 6

By | May 6, 2011

As I typed the subject line of this post, I realized that it is my brother’s birthday and I forgot to email him.  Better get that fixed. It may be helpful for you to know How to Criticize Your Pastor (and Honor God) from C. J. Mahaney.  If that is valuable, there is more here.… Read More »

April 19

By | April 19, 2011

I think they may figure out that it was me.   “Jalali said Iranian experts have traced the Stuxnet virus back to the U.S. state of Texas and Israel, IRNA reported. Western experts say only a number of powerful countries could have developed Stuxnet.” Is Rob Bell a Christian?   John MacArthur explains why he… Read More »

April 13

By | April 13, 2011

All this to sell a phone. Impressive. It’s not just that 85 mph may become a reality, but it’s what it tells us about Texans that I love.  Yes, another new major English translation of the Bible.  If you watch the promo, they ‘ll tell you it’s because they can’t find any they can understand. … Read More »

March 26

By | March 26, 2011

I learned yesterday that I passed all of the written exams.  I am relieved and thankful.  Next up: the oral exam with four faculty members.  It is scheduled for Tuesday, April 5, 8:30-10:30 a.m. In other news… People who go to church are more likely to be fat than those who don’t. Jacob Barnett was… Read More »

March 23

By | March 23, 2011

You can download about 50 books by John Piper in pdf format for free.  If pdf works well on a Kindle or iPad, that could be quite handy. I consider the prohibition against sharing to be a very strong disincentive to buy books for Kindle or similar readers.  Sharing books is part of the joy… Read More »

March 15

By | March 15, 2011

These before-and-after images of Japan show a striking contrast.  And if you haven’t seen this video of the tsunami coming in, it will give you a better appreciation for the power of water. CT has a survey of the most popular hymns, as determined by their appearance in the most number of hymnbooks.  The list… Read More »


By | February 18, 2011

Here is a cool verse: Only Luke is with me. Get Mark and bring him with you, because he is helpful to me in my ministry (2 Timothy 4:11). I can’t seem to find one that also mentions Jonathan. Perhaps it’s worth noting that these are probably the very last words that Paul wrote.  Interesting… Read More »

The Fear of the Lord

By | February 12, 2011

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding” (Proverbs 9:10). “What the alphabet is to reading, notes to reading music, and numerals to mathematics, the fear of the Lord is to attaining the revealed knowledge of [Proverbs].”-Bruce Waltke C. Bridges defines fear of the Lord… Read More »

February 11

By | February 11, 2011

How much would you expect a bill from the emergency room to be when a little girl is there for less than six hours, no surgery is performed, and the patient turns out to have nothing wrong.  The answer is more than the average annual income per capita of 128 countries.  The story of Eli… Read More »