Category Archives: Things I Like

How I Take Notes

By | February 17, 2006

After my previous post, a number of you responded on how you do it or how you think it should or shouldn’t be done. One person was even brave enough to suggest that you neither buy books, nor mark them! (And I fear that said individual is actually a current student of mine :-( Only… Read More »

I Interview Myself

By | February 16, 2006

You have noticed that important people get interviewed. A few interviews of interest include that of John Piper (mp3), Justin Taylor, C. J. Mahaney, John MacArthur ($6!), and Steven Spielberg. Nobody ever asks to interview me and I’m a-thinking that it ain’t going to happen any time soon. So I thought I’d entertain my readers… Read More »

The Three Shall Become One

By | February 10, 2006

You heard it here first that the Biblical Archaeology Society was consolidating its three magazines into one. You can read the full story now at the BAS website. My guess is that it will result in a less stretched-out staff and a better single magazine (Biblical Archaeology Review). If you haven’t seen the latest issue… Read More »

The Things That Make Me Happy

By | January 18, 2006

I’ve heard from a reliable source that Eugene Merrill is going to be working on a second edition of Kingdom of Priests. I know many students will be happy to get an up-to-date edition of this excellent work. It’ll take a few years to produce; may the Lord supply Dr. Merrill with all of the… Read More »

Software for Biblical Archaeology

By | January 3, 2006

I have been asked to give my opinion on the best archaeological resources available for Logos Bible Software (Libronix), ranking them in order I would recommend for those with limited budgets. I was given this list: Bible Review: The Archive Archaeology Odyssey: The Archive CD-ROM Biblical Archaeology Review Archive CD-ROM The Biblical World in Pictures… Read More »

A Free Magazine

By | December 21, 2005

One of my favorite magazines that I don’t subscribe to is Christian History & Biography. I used to subscribe but somewhere along the way I thought that I didn’t have time to read each issue and I stopped. That and foreign subscription fees are always about double. Each issue is in fact like a mini-book,… Read More »

My Favorite Program of the Year

By | December 17, 2005

Firefox. I am not one of those Microsoft bashers. I use lots of their software products and think it’s the best out there. And because of the virulent anti-MS crowd, I usually ignore those clamoring to use another product. But enough of the experts were touting the Firefox browser earlier this year that I decided… Read More »

Sketches, Sermons, and a Song

By | December 3, 2005

The recent Sovereign Grace Ministries newsletter led me to several good sites today. The Hall of Contemporary Reformers includes biographical sketches, bibliographic information, and links to free articles and mp3 files online for leaders including John Piper, John MacArthur, R. C. Sproul, C. J. Mahaney, and others. Not surprisingly, Piper’s page offers the most free… Read More »