Author Archives: Todd Bolen

Oral Exam

By | November 1, 2007

This afternoon I sat before a panel of DTS faculty and they asked me lots of questions about the Bible, everywhere from Genesis to Revelation.  After the beating, they invited me to leave the room so they could beat me privately.  Then I was invited back in and welcomed to the program.  Assuming I pass… Read More »

Presidential Candidate

By | October 25, 2007

You might consider this case made by guys I respect: Our Conservative Choice: An Endorsement of Mike Huckabee But this doesn’t sound so good.  And now this reporter rebuts the WSJ article.

This Little Light of Mine

By | October 24, 2007

Last night, on the anniversary of the assassination of Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin, Israelis set fire to a church building in Jerusalem.  The original building was burned to the ground by religious Jews in 1982, and a new building was constructed 11 years later.  This building was set afire in multiple places last night,… Read More »

Rabbi Finds Jesus?

By | October 24, 2007

I read this story in the Israel Today magazine some months ago and the online version was forwarded to me today.  I pass this on with caution: I am not sure 1) that I believe it to be accurate; 2) that God desires witness in such a manner.  But I am not sure, so you… Read More »

A Suitable Peace Partner

By | October 19, 2007

Can you be pro-Palestinian and not be anti-Israel? This graphic was shown on official Palestinian Authority TV.  The Palestinian Authority is headed by Abbas, leader of the moderate Fatah faction. For those who don’t know the symbols here, the map shows a nation of Palestine occupying all of the land of Israel (except the Golan). … Read More »

Less Free Time

By | October 18, 2007

I just received this brief email concerning the PhD program: Congratulations! You passed the written qualifying exam. If I hadn’t passed, I would have had a lot of extra free time.  No future, but a lot of free time.  The oral exam is scheduled for Nov 1, 1:00 p.m.  There a group of professors will… Read More »

2.1 Kids

By | October 17, 2007

At church on Sunday an older lady saw our family (with 4 kids) and quite delighted and began to tell us how a nation has to have 2.1 kids per family to survive but how America only averages 1.7.  And she blessed us for doing our part.  I didn’t tell her that I’d be delighted… Read More »


By | October 17, 2007

I’ve been working on Matthew 15 today and have a pretty good idea of what “blind” is: someone who can’t see what is in front of him.  What I don’t know is what you call someone who sees what is not in front of her.